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Title: Toyin Adeyinka, A Sparklight Story
Author: Udu Yakubu
Year of Publication: 2016
ISBN: 978-978-51256-9-6
Pages: 384 + xvii

Toyin Adeyinka: A Sparklight Story is a captivating biography which shows how an average Nigerian from a good home background can rise to the very height of his profession and impact positively on society at large.  The biography is well –written and easy to read and I commend it to all and sundry, but especially to Nigerian youths who are befuddled and perplexed by the current economic uncertainty and insecurity of our potentially great country.
 – Professor Akin Mabogunje, CON

This biography chronicles a success story for current and future generations, and makes good and inspiring reading.  It is also a reference material for the development of entrepreneurial skills and high professional ethos.
 – Paul M. Gbededo, CEO, Flour Mills of Nigeria Plc

When I laid my hands on this biography, it became difficult for me to put it aside until I finished reading it.  The Style is simple and very welcoming. The benefits of placing this work in the hands of young people – especially students, business people, entrepreneurs, etc – cannot be overemphasized.
– Ven Luyi Akinwande, Priest of the Anglican Communion