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Maritime Security

Title: Maritime Security: Imperatives for Economic Development in the Gulf of Guinea
Author: Dele Joseph Ezeoba
Year of Publication: 2019
ISBN: 978-978-512-255-7-3
Pages: 246 + xvii

The gulf of guinea maritime environment accounts of between 70-90 percent of the revenue of the states in the region. In addition to its rich forestry, fishery reserves, and massive mineral and hydrocarbon deposits, it also houses the largest volumes of the region‘s oil and gas, which are still its most valued natural resources. Thus, its economic importance has been of great regional and global interest at all times. Invariably, the economic prosperity, or otherwise, of the states in the region is intrinsically tied to the peace and security of the Gulf. This primary and strategic position of the Gulf in the socio-economic survival and development of the states in the region critically underscores the huge importance of its general security, which in recent years and decades has been blighted by many security challenges.

Dele Ezeoba’s Maritime Security: Imperatives for Economic Development in the Gulf of Guinea extensively engages the dynamics and dialectics of security and economic development in the chosen maritime area, and establishes theoretical and practical mechanisms that should be deployed in combating security threats in the maritime space, and opening up the region to greater development. It offers enterprising vistas of intellectual designs in addressing critical issues of maritime security and economic prosperity

Dele Joseph Ezeoba, a retired vice Admiral, Nigeria’s chief of Nava Staff between 2012 and 2014. He began his illustrious military career at the Nigerian Defence Academy, Kaduna in 1977. He subsequently attended the Britannia Royal Naval College, Dartmouth, UK, the United states Naval War College, New Port Rhode Island, and several other reputable national and foreign military training institutions. He is a specialist in navigation and direction, with a Master’s Degree in strategic Studies from the University of Ibadan. He is also an alumnus of the Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University. He has enormous global academic and practical naval and maritime experience, particularly in the Gulf of Guinea region. At various times and over several decades, he held high public offices that deeply impacted on his appreciation of the relevance of a secure maritime environment to the economic development of nations. As Nigeria’s Chief of Naval  Staff, he promulgated of a practice oriented policy, Strategy Guidance 01 and 02 to emplace a robust and combat –ready navy that is capable of effectively  combating the security challenges within the nation’s maritime domain, and in the Gulf of Guinea. Ezeoba is presently in private business and resides in Lagos, Nigeria. He is happily married to Vivian Ifeyinwa, and they are blessed with two daughters.