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Journal Of Cultural Studies:  Africa And The Politics Of Knowledge 

VOL.3, NO.1, 2001.
Author: Udu Yakubu
Year of Publication: 2001
ISBN: 1595-0956
Pages: 306 + x

The African Cultural Initiatives (ACI) hereby announces the birth of two new journals: Literary Inquiry and African Perspectives.

Literary Inquiry: This would be an annual publication which will explore within each volume, various selected issues of contemporary literary relevance. Submission do not have to be confined the boundaries of dominant literary conventions of literary experience in and about Africa especially.  The journal would be edited by an internationally renowned literary critic, Professor Theo Vincent. The maiden issue would focus on:

Privileged Texts, Privileged Figures, and Marginal Categories in African Literature

Deadline for Submissions: 31 January 2002

Publication Date: July 2002

African Perspectives: The journal will be published annually. Each volume will focus on selected social issues of historical and contemporary relevance in Africa. Multidisciplinary submissions are particularly encouraged.  Although the journal would serve as a major publishing medium for scholars resident in Africa, quality contributions from Africans in the Diaspora and non-Africans will also be published. The publication would be edited by an internationally renowned historian, Professor AyodejiOlukoju.  The maiden issue would focus on:

African Renaissance: Between Theory and Practice

Deadline for Submissions: 31 January 2002

Publication Date: July 2002.

We request that intending authors work within the ‘Guideline for Contributors ‘on page ii of the Journal  of Cultural  Studies.

Enquiries: Uduopegeme Yakubu, e-mail: yakubj@yahoo.com