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Title: A Friend of the Gods: An Autobiography
Author: Isaac Anieka Mbanefo
Year of Publication: 2010
ISBN: 978-978- 37601-2-2
Pages: 105 + xv
This is the story of my life. It is at the same time the story of Onitsha, that immortal city that has survived and thrives on the life-giving waters of the Lordly Niger and its tributaries – the Anambra, the Nkisi, the Nnakweze, and the Idemili. I have lived all my life since 1898 in Onitsha and have played a role in its major affairs in that time. Each step I have taken over the years has been for the good of Onitsha and has been designed to serve the cause of right, liberty and peace. In this the Gods have assisted me.